“MyGirl" CELEBRITY’S & CO. CHAMPAGNE 名人品味香檳: 知性女人


CELEBRITY'S & CO Champagne


名人品味香檳國際 (CELEBRITY’S Champagne)自2013年創立,致力於推廣香檳品飲文化。創辦人Christophe Kuo熱愛香檳,本身留學英國,因此認識來自歐洲的好友,經由引薦,才有機會接觸小農香檳酒莊(RM champagne),這些小農香檳獨具個性、品質出眾,皆是世代傳承家族香檳釀酒事業,由於產量稀少且不擅於國際推廣,尤其在亞洲鮮無人知,因此希望以香檳推廣者的角色發掘好品質、有個性的小農香檳與大家分享,同時提供給愛好香檳的朋友們更多選擇性。

2016年,我們創立了自有的香檳品牌CELEBRITY’S & CO,第一個自有酒標香檳 (三年熟成、RM香檳) 的創作便是向女性致敬,其靈感來自於女人的美麗、優雅與智慧。專屬酒標特別請來 Vita Yang楊謹瑜 (台灣2015年度插畫家)進行創作,首先雙方進行想法上的溝通,再進行品飲,依照香檳所呈現的口感,腦海勾勒出專屬的女性肖像,將味蕾的感受經由筆觸描繪出具體形象,完美詮釋此款香檳與女性的連結,全世界限量498瓶(台灣專屬)。


期望藉由自有香檳品牌 (CELEBRITY’S & CO.),讓「喝香檳」除了原有的慶祝、奢華感之外,藉由獨家酒標的創作,也讓香檳多點「生活感」,品飲的同時也增添一些故事與樂趣。

CELEBRITY’S CHAMPAGNE is grateful to have opportunities to collaborate with many independent grower champagne (RM) houses. As a professional champagne importer and exporter, we are passionate to discover the unique, rare and fine RM champagnes for the public. On this faith, we are honored to present our selections via our own label ( CELEBRITY’S & CO. ) to people who love to enjoy RM champagnes. 

By launching our own label champagne as a lifestyle champagne brand, we believe that RM champagnes would be promising in Asia by different thoughts of champagne lovers like us.

Label designed by Vita Yang (the best illustrator in Taiwan, 2015)
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Price: NT$ 3,800
Grape Varieties: 40% Pinot Meunier, 40% Chardonnay, 20% Pinot Noir

Ageing: 三年以上

Tasting Note:
葡萄精選摘採後,只取第一次壓榨出的80~82公升葡萄汁液釀造, 裝瓶後在酒窖靜置至少三年後除渣,保留了香檳的清新,同時也添加因陳年而產生的細緻層次,繁瑣複雜的程序造就架構均衡且層次豐富的超凡香檳。成熟馥郁且優雅細緻為其特點,Pinot Meunier帶來充滿杏桃等水果的圓潤和清甜,些許的Pinot Noir增加了酒體的厚實,烤核果的脂香融合Chardonnay特有的白花氣息與酸度,以及甜點店散發出的奶油暖香互補相成,是款從前菜到最後甜點都適合搭配的香檳。

Ageing: At least 3 years.

Soil: calcareous soils from near Reims

After harvesting by hands, the first 80~82 liters of the juice pressed from the 160kg grapes were adopted for making Prestige Brut. 

Nose: Fresh nose, apricot, white flowers, toast, tart and nutty aromas.

Mouth: Elegant and fine bubbles make this champagne the one who conveys a very open character with a wide audience. Round and fresh acidity with complex structure give a great length on the palate.

Food paring: Shellfish but also perfect as an aperitif.  Is ideal with a slice of smoked salmon.

Médaille d’Or au Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2009
Guide Hachette 2010
Médaille d’Argent au Concours des Vignerons Indépendants 2010 Cité au Guide Hachette 2011 (très bon rapport qualité / prix)

CELEBRITY'S & CO Champagne

The very first own label champagne (CELEBRITY’S & CO.) launched in Taiwan in 2016. It has been a crazy journey of our champagne business since 2013.

This creation was made by Taiwanese living in Vision, Imagination and Passion. The prestige cuvée was the product of France by an independent champagne winery. It’s a very unique Champagne dedicated to women’s Beauty, Elegance and Wisdom.

Personally, I fall in love with her avec all my heart. And I sincerely recommend you to enjoy this fine and rare champagne with people whom you love.

Christophe Kuo

名人品味香檳國際 CELEBRITY’S Champagne
台北市大同區涼州街47號1樓 / (02)2557-1085

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